Take 2 – Robin Hood Alternaor Fix

So the plate designed last week , well it did move the alternator up a bit but out as well so it was not necessarily helping. It was elegant and clumsy at the same time.
I decided to re-draw a new design that hugs the existing bracket and then steps up a good bit to move the entire alternator up a bit.
after a couple of hours I had the first draing done, and a few hours later the 3d printer had finished . My tolerances were too tight so I did a little easing and re-printed.

The re-printed one fitted nicely to the existing bracket and worked well in the fitting process. most importantly the altenator went on, could take a belt and be tensioned.

the design was sent to JLC for manufacture and requierd a couple of tweeks for manufacturing but hopefully in a couple of weeks it will be here.