Digital Dash Project Intro

Decades ago I was captivated by the Aston martin Lagonda’s Futuristic Dashbaord, no analough needles no cluncky toggle switches. Replaced with a space age digital sisplay and touch sensetive buttons for everyting. Later Austin, Vauxhall and a few others dabbled in alternative dash technology whilst the masses stayed with “real” guages untill the last decade when LCD replaced much of the cars instrumentaion.

But now is the time to recreate some of that 80’s Cool.. This project is to build a digital dash for Maisie the T25 camper.. The first part was a Mock up on breadboard of the core components follwoed by the fisrt proof of concept build

Requirements are

Speedo Bargraph and 7 Segment
Revcounter Bargraph and 7 Segment
Fuel Guage bargraph
Temperature Bargraph
LPG Bargraph and control
Voice Module
Warning Lights For
Low Fuel. Low Coolant, High Temp, Sidelights, High Beam, Low oil Presure, Charge.